Thematic Areas

RRN works with the poor and marginalized people of rural Nepal to empower them to meet their basic needs, enhance their livelihoods, and establish their own institutions. With over 500 personnel and volunteers, RRN has successfully implemented numerous community development programmes and projects in several districts around the country, including the Mountain, Hills, and Lowlands (Tarai) ecological zones. It is estimated that these programmes have benefited over 800,000 households.

Sustainable Agriculture & Livelihood

RRN’s involvement in the agricultural sector stems from its understanding of the complex nature of the sector in Nepal. Agriculture serves as the primary source of employment for the majority of the population, yet its growth rate remains uneven, due to low investments and challenges in commercialization and modernization. RRN promotes a market-oriented approach that not only seeks to enhance incomes but also uplifts the overall well-being of communities grappling with economic vulnerabilities. RRN places a significant focus on fostering ‘Rural Revitalization’ and ‘Inclusive Economic Advancement.’ This entails bolstering agricultural development through strategies such as Value Chain Development and Inclusive Business (VCB-IB), diversifying livelihoods, and ensuring food security. These efforts aim to empower smallholder farmers, transitioning them from subsistence farming to a commercially oriented stage.


RRN’s engagement in the education sector is focused on raising awareness and igniting social transformations in rural communities. RRN’s efforts are aligned with the National Education Programs, focusing on expanding educational opportunities for poor children and providing vocational training to girls, out-of-school children, and adolescent adults who have been excluded from the educational framework in remote and rural communities. RRN has actively participated in the establishment of Early Childhood Development and Learning Centres (EDCDs), Community Learning Centres (CLCs), and Right-based Education and Empowerment (Girls SAMVAD). RRN has also assisted in the construction of new infrastructure for public schools to build disaster-resistant structures and promote safe schools for children.

Health, Nutrition, and Sanitation

RRN’s commitment to the domain of health and sanitation stems from the stark reality faced by the majority of Nepal’s rural population. Basic necessities such as water and sanitation facilities, hand-washing provisions, and menstrual hygiene resources for women and adolescent girls are severely lacking. In response, RRN is committed to implementing development programs that holistically incorporate these vital components, aiming to cultivate healthier societies, proactively prevent diseases, and champion the rights to health for all. In its commitment to ensuring reliable access to water and sustainable sanitation management, RRN’s WASH programs embrace a range of strategic approaches, like Sustainable Service Initiatives (SIS), Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS), and School-Led Total Sanitation (SLTS). Additionally, RRN’s approach extends to community education, emphasizing health rights and disease prevention. By establishing health posts close to communities, RRN provides accessible outlets for information and medical supplies.

Self Governance

RRN’s interventions in self-governance are primarily focused on building the capacity of both the supply and demand sides or rights holders and service providers. On the demand side, RRN actively participates in a variety of activities aimed at increasing awareness and strengthening marginalized populations. This includes organizing and empowering communities to assert their rights and counter prevalent socio-economic injustices. RRN’s social campaigns against human trafficking, inequality, and other social evils have had a transformative impact, especially in encouraging young girls to take action against such practices. On the supply side, RRN is heavily invested in building the capacity of local service providers to ensure service delivery. Simultaneously, RRN encourages transparency and accountability as essential components of good governance, resulting in a more empowered local landscape.

Community Managed Infrastructure

RRN actively engages in the development and implementation of community-managed rural infrastructures that are designed to meet local needs and provide demand-based support. These infrastructures which serve as the backbone of local economic development are part of RRN’s integrated development initiatives. This involves the leadership and ownership of sustainable usage by users’ groups, committees, cooperatives, and local government bodies. RRN’s social mobilization projects have been critical in bringing stakeholders together and leveraging their efforts to create, build, maintain, and sustainably use such infrastructures. This development strategy has resulted in the construction of agricultural roads, school facilities, small bridges, and culverts, check dams, drinking water supplies, and health posts. The transfer of technology and the management of construction schemes have not only helped in the construction of physical structures but also the development of rural people’s capacity by providing them with employment opportunities and raising their living standards.

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)

RRN is committed to advancing human rights that contribute to gender equality and social inclusion, resulting in a more inclusive society. Nepal is a diverse, unequal, and fragmented society divided into social groupings based on caste, ethnicity, religion, and language. That said, poor rural people are concentrated in distinct ethnic, caste, and marginalized groups, particularly those from the lowest caste (Dalits), indigenous people (Janajatis), and women. RRN has integrated GESI as a cross-cutting theme into every phase of projects it implements, motivated by Nepal’s national policies as well as international human rights standards. RRN’s projects target the most vulnerable women and caste groups in remote districts, assisting in breaking down age-old norms that limit their movement and involvement in various aspects of life, consequently demonstrating their social and economic empowerment. 

Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

RRN is consistently developing and implementing projects in the  Disaster Risk-Reduction (DRR) area, and it is an integrated component in the majority of the projects. Having an understanding of floods being the most catastrophic natural force that impacts agricultural lands and communities in rural Nepal, RRN is committed to providing relief support and rehabilitation to flood victims. To further amplify RRN’s proactive stance, RRN has been a consortium member of the DFID-funded Nepal Emergency Relief Fund (NERF) since 2018. RRN also manages strategically located warehouses with emergency relief support and non-food items in Morang, Chitwan, and Nepalganj. RRN’s community-centered DRR projects have been instrumental in bolstering the disaster resilience capacity of communities. Through the development of critical infrastructure, implementation of early warning systems, hazard mapping, and robust awareness campaigns, RRN has not only impacted essential training but also fostered active participation from the communities themselves. This collaborative spirit has instilled a culture of safety, improving disaster preparedness, and fostering a sense of unity in disaster mitigation efforts