Empowered citizens are promoting food and nutrition governance in three municipalities in Kapilvastu District project (WE Project) 






Technical feasibility study for potential climate-resilient alternatives for small-scale irrigation, Detailed Engineering Design with a cost estimate, establishment of various irrigation schemes including supervision and monitoring during construction (Individual consultant-civil engineer) Short-term 


The Project titled “Empowered Citizens are Promoting Food and Nutrition Governance in Three Municipalities in Kapilvastu District” (WE Project) is funded by BMZ/ Welthungerhilfe and is being implemented jointly by Rural Reconstruction Nepal (RRN) and Kapilvastu Integrated Development Services (KIDS) in Kapilvastu, Maharajgunj and Buddhabhumi municipalities of Kapilvastu district, Lumbini province, Nepal. The project envisions supporting marginalized communities in effectively claiming their rights to economic inclusion and access to sufficient food. Empowering women is one of the goals as it often contributes directly to improving the nutritional situation of household members, as they use available resources more rationally and for the benefit of all family members. The project aims for civil society organizations and members of marginalized groups in the three target communities to work closely with the relevant authorities at the local and provincial levels, using effective strategies to claim their right to food. The four-year-long project (Oct 2023 to Dec 2027) comprises the following five output areas; 

Among the three output areas of the project, this assessment program is an intervention under Output 3, which aims to identify the potential innovative climate-resilient alternative methods for small-scale irrigation to the smallholder farmers in the project sites with design estimation and implementation.   

The consultant-civil engineer should conduct an assessment for potential climate-resilient irrigation alternatives that are sustainable, cost-effective, and suitable for the project site. The assessment aims to thoroughly analyze irrigation solutions that enhance agricultural resilience to climate change impacts while conserving water resources and supporting farmers’ livelihoods. It is also expected to perform as a consultant-civil engineer to design and plan irrigation schemes based on the assessment and implementation as well. 

The Consultant-Civil Engineer will be responsible for carrying out the following tasks: 


The assessment (feasibility study) should be carried out in participatory and exploratory research design applying the mixed method tool and techniques. However, qualitative and quantitative primary data and information should support the assessment findings and recommendations. The consultant should collect primary data and information with the related stakeholder and process, not limited to the following: 




 The consultant is required to have the following expertise and qualifications: 




All data and information received from the organization, as well as those collected during the rapid market assessment, shall be treated with the utmost confidentiality. All data, findings, reports, and related intellectual property resulting from this study will be the sole property of RRN, KIDS, and WHH. The consultant shall not, during the term of the contract and after the expiration, disclose any proprietary or confidential information relating to the service to other parties without the written consent of RRN, KIDS, and Welthungerhilfe (WHH). 

Interested consultants must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) with the following documents. 

  1. a) Letter of expression of interest (EoI) 
  2. b) Technical and Financial proposal 
  3. c) CV highlighting their areas of work and experience




Annex 1: ToR  

Annex 2.  Technical proposal template (includes): 

  1. Cover page: Title, submitted to, and submitted by and date  
  1. Table of contents  
  1. Introduction: Background, Objectives, Scope of the overall task, overall output (Max. 3 pages)  
  1. Methodology: The detail of the methodology consists of Area, KII, FGDs, stakeholder consultation meeting, etc. (Max. 2 pages) 
  1. Action plan with a clear time frame (Weekly breakdown)  
  1. Overall output with separate tasks (Max. 1 page)  



Word/excel file of financial proposal 



 CV of the consultant 


The completed sealed proposal, CV, and cover letter should be emailed to [email protected] by 5:00 PM on January 15, 2025. Separate files of technical and financial proposals should also be submitted. 

RRN reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals received without providing any reason whatsoever 

Apply for the job

You can also apply by sending your CV at [email protected]

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