Citizen Empowerment To Improve Food And Nutrition Security Of Vulnerable Populations In Rolpa District, Lumbini Province, Nepal (POSHAN SUDHAR)

Location: Runtigadhi and Triveni RM, Rolpa District

What is the project aim?


To strengthen the food and nutrition security of vulnerable populations through behavior change and empower citizens in the rural municipalities of Runtigadhi and Triveni, Rolpa district in Nepal.

Geographic Coverage

Runtigadhi and Triveni RM, Rolpa District

From: 2021/11/01

To: 2024/12/31


EUR 1,083,927

Project Status

Target Groups

and Beneficiaries

The project targets women of reproductive age, children under 5 years old, farmers (majority women), local government representatives and officials, health workers and auxiliary nurse midwives, FCHVs, agriculture officers, local CBOs/networks members, women leaders, and lead farmers. The direct beneficiaries include 9,600 individuals and their households.

Funding Partners

Welthungerhilfe (WHH)/ German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Expected Results

  1. Result 1: Family diet diversity and food consumption of vulnerable and marginalized households are improved

  2. Result 2: Citizens, CBOs, and networks are empowered to actively participate in the planning process at the local level and engage in policy advocacy 

  3. Result 3: Two rural municipalities are enabled to implement food and nutrition master plans

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