Citizen Empowerment To Improve Food And Nutrition Security Of Vulnerable Populations In Rolpa District, Lumbini Province, Nepal (POSHAN SUDHAR)


Geographic Coverage

Runtigadhi and Triveni RM, Rolpa District

From: 2021/11/01

To: 2024/12/31


EUR 1,083,927

Project Status

80% Complete

Target Groups

and Beneficiaries

The project targets women of reproductive age, children under 5 years old, farmers (majority women), local government representatives and officials, health workers and auxiliary nurse midwives, FCHVs, agriculture officers, local CBOs/networks members, women leaders, and lead farmers. The direct beneficiaries include 9,600 individuals and their households.

Funding Partners

Welthungerhilfe (WHH)/ German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)

Expected Results

  1. Result 1: Family diet diversity and food consumption of vulnerable and marginalized households are improved

  2. Result 2: Citizens, CBOs, and networks are empowered to actively participate in the planning process at the local level and engage in policy advocacy 

  3. Result 3: Two rural municipalities are enabled to implement food and nutrition master plans

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