Dedicated Grant Mechanism For Indigenous Peoples And Local Communities In Nepal (DGM Nepal)

Dedicated Grant Mechanism For Indigenous Peoples And Local Communities In Nepal (DGM Nepal)

Geographic Coverage

Madhesh Province and Lumbini Province

From: 2022/12/01

To: 2027/12/03


USD 4.5 million

Project Status


Target Groups

and Beneficiaries

The beneficiaries of the DGM Project are forest-dependent IPLC organizations, groups and individuals from the Madhesh and Lumbini Provinces Having stated that, it needs to be emphasized that IPLCs are more than ‘beneficiaries’ of the project. They are the proponents of the project and the prime movers of its design, and during implementation, they will preside over the use of the grant resources in Nepal.

Funding Partners

World Bank/ Climate Investment Fund

Project Summary

The project aims to enhance the capacity of IPLCs to participate in Nepal’s REDD+ (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation) processes at the local, national, and global levels for the sustainable management of forests. This will help create livelihood opportunities and increase the income of forest-dependent communities in the Madhesh and Lumbini Provinces.

Approach :

  1. Capacity building for IPLCs for SFM
  2. Competitive Grants
  3. Project management, monitoring, and knowledge
Dedicated Grant Mechanism For Indigenous Peoples And Local Communities In Nepal (DGM Nepal)

Joint launch event of the DGM Nepal Project by the World Bank and RRN

Dedicated Grant Mechanism For Indigenous Peoples And Local Communities In Nepal (DGM Nepal)

DGM Project Orientation in Rapti Valley, Bhalubang, Lumbini Province

Dedicated Grant Mechanism For Indigenous Peoples And Local Communities In Nepal (DGM Nepal)

RRN’s DGM Nepal project team meeting with the chairperson of Runtigadhi Rural Municipality, Rolpa

Dedicated Grant Mechanism For Indigenous Peoples And Local Communities In Nepal (DGM Nepal)

DGM Nepal Retreat & Annual NSC (National Steering Committee) in Dhulikhel

Expected Results:

Result 1: Beneficiaries with an increased role in the FIP and other REDD + processes at local, national, or global levels. (%, disaggregated by gender and indigenous/non- indigenous group)
Result 2: People in targeted forests and adjacent communities with increased monetary or non-monetary benefits from forests. (#, disaggregated by gender and indigenous/non- indigenous group)
Result 3: Beneficiaries perceive DGM governance and processes as transparent and inclusive (%, disaggregated by gender and indigenous/non-indigenous group).


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