Wash System Strengthening And Behavior Change In Hilly Region Of Makwanpur District Project

Location: Raksirang and Kailash Rural Municipality, Makwanpur District

What is the project aim?

The project aims to increase access to safe drinking water, safely managed sanitation, and hygiene through improved quality and sustainability of WASH services and behaviour change of users. Considering the two target municipalities do not have WASH plans, they are unable to meet their constitutional duties. As a consequence, the project focuses on improving WASH systems and promoting behavior change.


To improve the health and nutritional status of marginalized communities in the rural municipalities of Raksirang and Kailash, Makwanpur district, through strengthened WASH systems and behavior change
WASH System Strengthening and Behavior Change In Hilly Region of Makwanpur District Project

Geographic Coverage

Raksirang and Kailash Rural Municipality, Makwanpur District

From: 2022/09/01

To: 2025/12/31


EURO 987,282

Project Status

Target Groups

and Beneficiaries

The project targets the entire population of the 2 municipalities, Raksirang and Kailash. It aims to support the development, endorsement, and implementation of municipal-wide WASH plans for a total of 54,752 direct beneficiaries (9,209 HHs).

Funding Partners

Viva Con Agua/Welthungerhilfe/ BMZ

Project Summary

The project aims to increase access to safe drinking water, safely managed sanitation, and hygiene through improved quality and sustainability of WASH services and behavior change of users. Considering the two target municipalities do not have WASH plans, they are unable to meet their constitutional duties. As a consequence, the project focuses on improving WASH systems and promoting behavior change.


The project follows the following approaches and tools to achieve its objectives:

  1. WASH Systems Strengthening
  2. Climate- Resilient Water Safety Plans (CR-WSP)
  3. Community-Led Total Sanitation (CLTS)
  4. Total sanitation 
  5. Three-star approach
  6. Linking agriculture and natural resource management towards nutrition security through participatory learning and action (PLA LANN+)
  7. Community Score Card (CSC)
WASH System Strengthening and Behavior Change In Hilly Region of Makwanpur District Project
Training session on the LANN+ Approach for the Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs) and Local Resource Persons (LRPs)
WASH System Strengthening and Behavior Change In Hilly Region of Makwanpur District Project
Promoting total sanitation and water safe community with participants from Kailash Rural Municipality, Makwanpur District
WASH System Strengthening and Behavior Change In Hilly Region of Makwanpur District Project
Provincial WASH Joint Sector Review (JSR) on Safely Managed Water Supply Services' in Hetauda, Makwanpur in Bagmati Province

Expected Results

  1. Output 1: WASH service delivery is strengthened through enhanced governance at the local government level
  2. Output 2: Drinking water supply schemes and sanitation and hygiene facilities are improved in target communities, schools, and Health Care Facilities
  3. Output 3: Vulnerable and marginalized households and beneficiaries adopt adequate and safe WASH and nutrition practices as a result of behavior change
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